podotrochlear bursa

The navicular bone (blue), the podotrochlear bursa (yellow) and the insertion of the deep digital flexor tendon (green)

podotrochlear bursa

A bursa positioned between the navicular bone and the deep digital flexor tendon where it deflects around the navicular bone before inserting on the palmar/plantar surface of the distal phalanx.

Hufrollenschleimbeutel m
bourse podotrochléaire f
borsa podotrocleare f
borsa navicolare f
bursa podotroclear f
cojín del navicular
bursa podotroclear f
coixí navicular m
slijmbeurs van de hoefkatrol f
bursa podotrochlearis
burza podotrochleární f
Bursa podotrochlearis f
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