immune system

The horse's blood cells. Clockwise from top left: red blood cells, white blood cells (neutrophil, monocyte, lymphocyte) and platelets

immune system

The immune system ist the body's defence mechanism against disease (bacterial, viral, parastic, etc.). It consists of a variety of biological structures including organs (e.g. the lymph nodes), cells (e.g. white blood cells) and smaller structures (e.g. anitbodies). There are several different types of immunity - the innate immune system is unspecific and present from birth, the adaptive immune system is specific, i.e. it targets one specific pathogen and evolves as the body is exposed to different diseases.

Immunsystem n
immunitaire (système ≈)
sistema immunitario m
sistema inmunitario m
sistema immunitari m
immuun systeem
imunitní systém m
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