upward fixation of the patella

left: stifle is streched and the patella is fixed (held) over the medial condyle of the femur; right: the patella is loose and glides in the groove between the femur condyles

upward fixation of the patella

locked stifle

slipped stifle

As a part of the passive stay apparatus, the horse is able to 'lock' its patella by hooking it over the medial trochlear ridge of the femur. For movement, the patella must be unlocked - a process that normally takes no longer than a fraction of a second. If the time taken for a horse to unlock its patella is increased, or it remains permanently fixed, this is a pathological condition known as a habitual or permanent upward fixation of the patella.

Patellafixation f
rotule (accrochement de la ≈) f
accrochement rotulien m
fissazione della patella f
fissazione della rotula f
fijación dorsal de la rótula f
fixació dorsal de la ròtula f
patellafixatie f
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