tubular horn

Histological section through healthy tubular horn showing tubules (purple) and intertubular horn (pale pink)

A schematic cross-section of the hoof wall and adjacent dermis. Coronary (brown) and perioplic horn (pink) are made from tubular horn. Only a representative number of horn tubules are shown, the acctual number ranges from 8 to 15 tubules per mm2.

Dermal papilla and the neighbouring epidermis with the germinal layer (blue), the horn tubule (yellow with blue central stripe) and the inter-tubular horn (brown)

tubular horn

The type of horn from which the majority of the hoof capsule is made. It consists of many elongated cylinders of horn (horn tubules) lying parallel to each other and running continuously from the coronary band to the bearing edge, the horn tubules are grown from the epidermis of the coronary papillae. Between these tubules lies strong intertubular horn which forms a matrix in which the tubules are embedded, this is grown from the coronary epidermis between the papillae.

➔ stratum medium
Röhrchenhorn n
corne tubulaire f
tubuli cornei m
tejido córneo tubular m
estoig corni tubular m
pijpjeshoorn n
horn, tubulært
horn, trådet
rohovina rourková f
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