After logging into the application through the homepage, the site’s main page will open automatically.
To select your preferred language (English / Deutsch), click on the language in the top right corner above the search icon.
The various features are listed in the menu on the left hand side and can be accessed by a single click. All features can also be accessed through the icons at the top of the screen; these are visible from within each features site, allowing you to switch between different features without having to return to the main menu.
A click on the icon at the top left of the screen will take you back to the main menu page.
There are two ways of navigating through the content in the Topics section:
Navigating within a chapter:
To navigate through the content of a chapter, you can use the list of contents on the left hand side – a click on the chapter will open the chapters subsections, many of which are further subdivided into fact groups. The chapters subheadings are also displayed in the main window and can be accessed by clicking on the headings.
If you would like to read through a chapter in a linear fashion, arrows on the bottom of the main window will take you though each of the chapter’s facts in chronological sequence. Alternatively, individual fact pages within a fact group are numbered and can be accessed directly by clicking the number underneath the fact group title at the top of the main window.
Other features within the topics:
Navigation in other features:
In other features (e.g. Anatomy), navigation is essentially the same as in the main content feature (Topics). The contents or menu of a particular feature appear on the left and can be accessed through a single click. In the features References and Glossary, entries are arranged alphabetically.
By clicking on an image, it will open in full size in a pop-up window. Copyright information can be seen by clicking on the © icon in the top left hand corner of the image. To close the image, click on the main screen behind the pop-up window.
The circled ‘f’ in the bottom left of an image thumbnail denotes an interactive Flash animation. By clicking on the image, this will open up automatically. To close the flash animation, click on the main screen behind the pop-up window.
Films are denoted by a circled arrow (play icon). Clicking on the film thumbnail will automatically open and play the film in a pop-up window. To close the film, click on the main screen behind the pop-up window.