bone spavin

Radiograph showing severe proliferative and lytic osteoarthrits of the distal intertarsal and tarso-metatarsal joints (bone spavin)

Anatomical specimen with severe proliferative osteoarthrits of the distal intertarsal and tarso-metatarsal joints (bone spavin)

bone spavin

tarsal osteoarthropathy

Progressive inflammation and associated degeneration of parts of the hock joint (specifically the distal intertarsal and tarso-metatarsal joints). Bone spavin is one of the most common forms of osteoarthritis seen in the horse. It can affect one or both hocks. Predisposing factors include hindlimb conformation, type of work and hereditary factors.

Spat m
Spat m
Knochenspat m
ostéoarthrose du jarret f
éparvin m
spavenio m
esparavan m
osteoartroptía de las articulaciones distales del tarso f
esparverany m
osteoartropatia de les articulacions distals del tars f
spat f
ossös spatt
špánek m
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