
Distension of the tarsal sheath or thoroughpin

Distension of the tarsal sheath or thoroughpin


tenosynovitis of the tarsal sheath

A localised swelling in the hind limbs, slightly above the hock in front of the achilles tendon, visible on the medial and the lateral aspect of the limb. It represents a distension of the tarsal sheath, the tendon sheath surrounding the deep digital flexor tendon at the level of the hock. Only in exceptional cases is it responsible for a lameness; most cases are due to an asymptomatic low grade tenosynovitis (inflammtion of the membrane lining the tendon sheath).

Kurbengalle f
Sprunggelenkbeugesehnengalle f
ténosynovite de la gaine tarsienne f
vessigon tendineux du jarret m
tenosinovite della guaina tarsale f
tenosinovitis de la vaina tarsal f
tenosinovitis de la vaina tarsal f
gal aan het spronggewricht
galle i hasens seneskede
gallig i hasens senskidor
nálevka pochvy hlezenní f
tenosynovitida šlachové pochvy tarzální f
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