Evolution & History
Behaviour & Handling
Husbandry & Management
Equine Identification
Equine identification & passports
Colours of a horse
The basic colour families
The bays
The blacks
The chestnuts
Genetic colour modification
Diluting factors
Greying factors
White patching factors
Spotting factors
White horses
Other genetic modifications
Markings of a horse
Breeds & types
Anatomy & Physiology of Organ Systems
Anatomy of the Musculoskeletal System
Conformation & Movement
Equine Health
Materials, Tools & Equipment
Forging Techniques
Forging Specialised Shoes
Normal Shoeing
Corrective Farriery
Artificial Horn & Adhesives
Diagnostic Imaging
Distorted Hooves
Disorders of the Hoof
Other Disorders of the Locomotor Apparatus