The coronary segment of the hoof with the coronary horn (yellow / brown stripes) which makes up the majority of the hoof wall or stratum medium
a: perioplic horn
b: outer zone of the coronary horn
c: middle zone of the coronary horn
d: inner zone of the coronary horn
e: lamellar zone with epidermal (horny) lamellae and dermal lamellae
f: primary lamella
g: secondary lamella
h: horn tubule
i: inter-tubular horn
The stratum medium makes up of the majority of the hoof wall; the outermost layer is the stratum externum (periople) and the innermost layer is the stratum lamellatum (the horn lamellae)
The horn of the hoof wall that is produced by the coronary dermis. The stratum medium makes up most of the wall substance.
It consists of many elongated cylinders of horn (horn tubules) lying parallel to each other and running continously from the coronary band to the bearing edge. The horn tubules are grown from the epidermis of the cornary papillae; between the tubules, the strong intertubular horn forms a matrix in which the tubules are embedded. This type of horn grows from the coronary epidermis between the papillae.The horn varies slightly in structure and pigmentation from the outer-most layers (high tubular density, usually pigmented) to the inner-most layers (low tubular density, un-pigmented).