lamellar dermis

The dermis of the hoof showing the papilla of the coronary dermis and the lamellar dermis which coveres the dorsal aspect of the pedal bone

The dermal lamellae are an important component of the suspensory mechanism of the hoof

lamellar dermis

lamellar corium

The section of dermis that covers the dorsal wall of the pedal bone (distal phalanx) and provides the vascular support for the stratum lamellatum of the hoof wall. The dermis is covered in hundreds of lamellae, running in proximo-distal direction down the dorsal wall of the coffin bone. At the distal end of the lamellae, there are several papillae, known as terminal papillae, it is from these papillae that the white line is secreted.

The lamellar dermis is an important component of the suspensory apparatus of the hoof.

Wandlederhaut f
derme lamellaire m
chorion pariétal m
podophyle m
corion lamellare m
derma lamellare m
dermis de la lámina f
dermis de la làmina f
wandlederhuid f
škára stěnová f
Corium parietis n
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