Genetic colour modification – Diluting factors

Genetic colour modification – Diluting factors

Dun factor (D)

Horses with this gene have a coat colour that is lighter than their basic colour family. The gene affects both red and black pigments, but does not affect the hair of the mane, tail and distal limbs. This gene has a dominant inheritance (one dun gene has the same effect as two).

  • The basic colour of the bay turns into a pale yellow brown, the result is known as dun.
  • The basic colour black turns grey, mane and tail stay black, the result is known as blue dun or grullo.
  • The basic colour chestnut turns into a pale yellow/reddish brown known as a red dun. In addition to the paler coat colour, horses with this dilution gene always have a more or less prominent dorsal stripe and occasionally zebra stripes on their limbs.
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