

The genus Epihippus is an ancestor of modern Equids which evolved about 47 mya, presumably from Orohippus. Overall, Epihippus was still a forest-dwelling browser, but it was slightly taller than previous Equids. Its molars were bigger and had a more structured grinding surface, which enabled a higher inclusion of tough plant material in its diet. The middle toe of Epihippus was increased in length and diameter, which indicates that this animal was better adapted to cover more ground, either for foraging, or to take flight. With a change towards a cooler and dryer climate, in some areas forests would have been replaced by open plains.

Epihippus m
Eppihippus m
Epiippo m
Epihippus m
Epihippus m
epihippus m
Epihippus m
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