rupture of the suspensory apparatus

A rupture of the suspensory ligament causes the fetlock to descend

rupture of the suspensory apparatus

An acute onset of high degree lameness accompanied by hyperextension of the fetlock joint. The rupture may affect the suspensory ligament, the distal sesamoidean ligaments or be caused by transverse fractures of both proximal sesamoid bones. This injury is a common cause of breakdown in racing thoroughbreds.

Niederbruch m
rupture de l'appareil suspenseur f
rottura totale o parziale dell'apparato sospensore del nodello f
rotura del aparato suspensor f
ruptura de l' aparell suspensor f
ruptuur van tussenpees
ruptur af støtteapparat (til koden)
ruptura závěsného aparátu f
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