passive stay apparatus, hindlimb

left: stifle is streched and the patella is fixed (held) over the medial condyle of the femur; right: the patella is loose and glides in the groove between the femur condyles

passive stay apparatus, hindlimb

The passive stay apparatus in the horse's hindlimb allows the horse to stand using minimal muscular energy. The apparatus uses a combination of two anatomical features: the first is the stifle locking mechanism which enables the stifle to be 'locked' (immobilised) by hooking the patella and the medial patellar ligament over the medial trochlear ridge of the femur. The second element is the reciprocal apparatus which dictates that the stifle, the hock and the fetlock joints always flex and extend synchronously, so immobilisation of the stifle will also lock the hock and the fetlock in position. This system allows the horse to rest a large portion of the weight of its hindquarters on the 'fixed' hindlimb and rest the collateral hindlimb.

➔ reciprocal apparatus
Stehmechanismus Hintergliedmasse, passiv m
appareil de station passive du membre postérieur m
apparecchio di supporto passivo dell'arto posteriore m
aparato de soporte pasivo, miembro posterior m
aparell de suport passiu, extremitat posterior m
passief sta-apparaat, achterbeen
mekanisk støtteapparat, bagben
bakbenens passiva ståapparat
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